Renske Ruijsenaars

Welkom bij mijn blog, dat ik startte in het afstudeerjaar (2022-2023) van de opleiding Docent beeldende kunst en vormgeving aan de Willem de Kooning Academie.

“Digital natives (=huidige generatie leerlingen) leren dat het leven bestaat uit afschermen en selecteren".

Bovenstaand is een uitspraak van Ocke Weeda (interview Trouw)


Jaron Lanier

You have to be somebody before you can share yourself
— Jaron Lanier

“Separation anxiety is assuaged by constant connection. Young people announce every detail of their lives on services like Twitter not to show off, but to avoid the closed door at bedtime, the empty room, the screaming vacuum of an isolated mind”.

Jaron Lanier

Technology teaches passivity. Absorbed in our devices - at any age - we are absorbed in someone else’s perspective.
— Julia Cameron

“(…) life can have an interior dimension of depth and awareness which is systematically blocked by our habitual way of life, all concentrated on externals. The poverty of a life fragmented and dispersed in “things” and built on a superficial idea of the self and its relation to what is outside and around it.(…)”

Thomas Merton





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